Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Suicidal Cars

B$, Hoze and I (ramtime) ventured down to the car graveyard down by the motorcross track on monday for some filmmaking, shutter snapping, deep pondering, adventuring, and other awesomeness. If you don't know about this zone, its about a 300ft high bluff on the edge of a motorcross track, where motorheads get all kinds of hammered and send broken cars over the edge for their last ride until reaching the bottom and instantly dying. 
B$, on said bluff of doom

strategic sticker placement for maximum exposure

This is about as much glass as can be found on any window. Every last little bit has been smashed  and broken off every car.

After informing my dad of our adventure down to the graveyard, he told me the story of when he and friends hurled a vw over the edge.  The story involved being pulled in the vw behind a truck and smashing into objects at high speeds. When their was no more destruction to be had, they put the vw out of its misery. This makes me wonder about the stories behind all the other cars down their, especially the brand new dodge caliber that looks pretty new to its surroundings.
 Maybe this is that vw 

Hoze spent most of the time behind the beautiful lens of his panasonic 394iue94urjdfk getting epic landscape shots. He put his camera on autopilot and took a few minutes to practice his balancing techniques and reform his style for rail rippin before the season gets started.
Frontboard from 1999

Frontboard from the future

gorilla style

B$ used her superior carving skills to rep us

Also this weekend, ian had an epic space party( im not sure if i took any pics or not, films waiting for me at freddys), brendan and ian had an exciting misadventure and B$/ram/hoze did some filmmaking. Videos to come, maybe.