Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Better than a Hallmark Thank You

A Mr. Ian Chang, known for his ridiculous ideas, big jumps and extreme personality, was able to put together doom/love's biggest (and only) annual event. Chang assembled a crew of mad men and women who worked tirelessly throughout the week, to ensure that the Fur Rondy Big Air was a go. While it wouldn't be impossible or surprising if Chang had completed the event by himself, he did have several helping hands and dedicated sponsors. To everyone that helped make a the Fur Rondy Big Air event a success, thank you. Each and every sponsor made the Big Air the memorable event it was. Thank you Loken Construction, Spinell Homes, HillTop Ski Area, The Municipality of Anchorage (Logan's Dad especially!), Craig Taylor Equipment, Wayne, Alex the Lion, Mostly Ghostly, Kris Swanson, Shred Club, Shovelers, Riders and of course Chang for his outrageousness.
xo B$
Darian stealing the spot light for a hot sec

Chang's backside

Brady..... upping the ante

Chang, just seconds before crashing

BR getting Tricky

Watching Brady