For most others in the us of a, boardin season has come to an end but not for us hardy alaskan dudes. This is the time of the year when we finally get spring snow and its sunny enough to shred in shorts. Its the best.
Matt put this little diddy together a while ago. Its from the infamous mountain metal mayhem rail riding comp.
Slush cup weekend

Trying to hide from ski patrol

cool people

and then there was some of this

it was the last nite in the "fortress" so Hoze and Trick hosted an epic ender party

Speaking of epic parties. Wasilla knows how to get down.
A day at -5

Ram just killing as always. He's probably the best snowboarder in the whole entire world.

meat and beer

camera shy method


Brendan can backflip better than you can
And to my friends, Jeff and Worm, a little diddy I made ages ago that I thought you might like.
Ram, love to dubai video that shit made me crack up, but I think my spread eagles were to hot for the middle east. nice choice with creed
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