a weekend in whittier

Explored the old military building for a good portion of the day.

There is very little destruction left to be had in this building.

Step up

Step down

Found this gem from two years ago when chang and i camped out for a night and played with spray paint.

Retreated to some mini cliff lines at the end of the day.

Ian missed the sun on the last shot of the day by a minute both days. Still sick.

Ian had a vision. It came to life.

Most epic back drop ever.

Ian given'r

Brendan trying to prove he is the alpha male by dropping the biggest cliff of the day.

Ian tryed to rebate this double line. You can kinda see his track from try one. It was even worse on try two.

Ender for the day.

Ian getting all artsy at sunset.

Me getting all artsy at sunset.
rammy, did any of my step up photos turn out? loganimlach17@hotmail.com
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