Earlier this week we found ourselves down at the downtown zone setting up a mini shred line. The line was fun, the snow was soft and the sun was out, so it was a pretty good time. A few days later, B$, Cara and I returned for a little more shredding. The highlight came when this big buff black dude in a wife beater was walking by and stopped to watch for a second. I shredded down and on my way back up, I looked over at the dude and with a big grin on his face he said," Man, you are one bad boy." Awesome.

Stale snatcher off the corrugated pole jam
A lazy edit of the valdez trip.
Valdez from doomslashlove on Vimeo.
A little while back we tried to film at the rythum section that we made. We were planning on trying to do it again because it didnt really work out so well the first time but that seems unlikely now. This is a quick edit of the few shots we took.rythum from doomslashlove on Vimeo.
i've never been a fan of sh*t...but watching ian eat it so many times makes me laugh. nice clips lady and gentlemen.
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