The search for good snow has taken us all over northeastern turkey. Here are some images from the adventure. I promise there will be some words to go with these pictures eventually... until then: Eat, shred, drive, shred, sleep, (shred in dreams), repeat.

I wanted to surf this right point so bad... I didnt see a surfboard the whole time I was in Turkey.

Ramy made a turn like this on our ride down a face in Palandoken... it didnt end well. Ive got it on tape if you wanna see it.

A LOT of our mornings looked like this. I kinda miss sleeping in my boardbag.

We saw a small suspension bridge so we decided to stop for a break from driving. Coincidentally on the other side of the road Ram spotted some caves in a ribbon of sediment about half way up a plateau. These caves were really old, and they were dug out of this soft rock by humanswho knows how long ago. they went way back into the side of the plateau with seperate rooms and were all interconnected. There were even upper and lower levels. This was a surprise find and really cool.

Ahhh Sarikamish. Our second opportunity at fresh powder was not wasted.

BRT has a nice backside!

This kid played tug-of-war with my snowboard then wanted me to pay him for it! Brendan promptly knocked him out. Dont f*ck with doom/love!

I bet a king looked out of these same windows. That made me feel cool.

Im always gonna wonder what was behind door 34.

There is no excuse for not having mustache showdown 2.0 . I am sorry we dissappointed everyone.

We just loved the allys in Ispır.

Pretty isnt it?

Ram says: ''I love you man!'' Ian says: ''Oh thanks dude-bro!''

Constant navigatıon.

OK. So this pic shows how our trip almost came to a sudden and horrific end! The viz, as you can see is about one pole distance. (25 meters) We were coming up a pass and it started getting really slick. After sliding backwards and stomping the breaks for a really stylish minibus backside 180, I maneuvered to the next straight stretch of road so we could don our chains and show the hill who was boss. As I popped the trunk to pull out the chains Ramy scampered over to the side of the road to take a pee. Not more than 10 seconds after I say to ramy; ''Do you hear something?'' I turn around to find a giant plow truck sliding out of controll right towards us. Im frozen and Ramy dives into the ditch still peeing as the 10 ton truck blows by, just a foot from our minibus and Rams stained shorts.

Mosque stalefish.

As we were rejected by the Kachkar we were diverted to a tiny mountain village were we taught a few middle aged muslim fellows how to snowboard. It was actually really spiritual for me to drop in on a jump while the priest wailed in arabic over the loud speakers, and the call for prayer echoed over the snowy village.

Turkey is a bit behind in their on-mountain fashion. The silly jester hats, dinosaur tails, multi colored fleece tassles and hats with bright colored hair coming out the top are all the rage.

Doom Love summit at Palandöken.

BRT made it look cool but I dont wanna talk about this stair jump thing.
Hi guys, so great to see some more photos of the adventure in Turkey. Miss you but know you are having a teriffic time. Love, changsmom
You boys are having quite the adventure. We are living vicariously through you guys. The photos are fabulous and we've enjoyed following you on your adventure. Be safe and look out for each other.
mmhmmmm, fascinating work adventurepantses, looks like you might be having an adventure. drive fast, take (calculated)chances.
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